在暹粒的吴哥窟,感受失落的高棉文明,在巴肯山欣赏落日的晚霞,在 Pub Street 的街角的 Red Piano Bar 临街而坐,点上一杯冰凉的Angkor Wat 啤酒和 Mojito 感受浓浓的东南亚街头风情,在拜林柬泰边境品尝异域特色的美食,在晚霞中磅士卑的河畔吹着小凉风儿,驱车穿行在热带雨林的景色 ……
Two years ago. I am getting sick and tired of the monotonous life which getting on my nerves and feel a little blue. It is not the way I hoped it would be, just because. I resigned from the former company and left the city