Lai Lai Hei – 圣剑乐队Ensiferum
驯鹿在窗边俯首贴耳,寻求片刻的温暖与祥和蜂狼们解下刀剑盾牌,玩起摇滚,忘记死亡搏杀和土地,继续豪饮。 乌鸦的魔法使森林着迷,在甜蜜的星光下爬行,流浪的孤狼,为死者嚎叫,秘境和传说,在黎明的斯堪的纳维亚半岛继续升起。
驯鹿在窗边俯首贴耳,寻求片刻的温暖与祥和蜂狼们解下刀剑盾牌,玩起摇滚,忘记死亡搏杀和土地,继续豪饮。 乌鸦的魔法使森林着迷,在甜蜜的星光下爬行,流浪的孤狼,为死者嚎叫,秘境和传说,在黎明的斯堪的纳维亚半岛继续升起。
Maybe in many cases, our emails are written and the emails we receive are like this: the writing logic is confusing, the layout has no rules, and the readability is not strong and confusing. It is hoped that through this study, in future work and
In letters, memos and emails, clear beginnings and endings are very important. These are the first and last things that are read, and are therefore likely to leave the greatest impression on the reader.
A memo can be used as a form of communication to solve problems within a company. In writing a memo, one should clearly state his/her purpose at the beginning, and request the action he/she wants at the end. 备忘录可以用作解决公司内部问题的一种沟通形式。 在写备忘录时,应在开始时明确说明他/她的目的,并在最后要求他/她想要采取的行动。
For each new subject email, it serves no harm to write some greetings! However, if you are responding to emails over the same topic (for example, a meeting day and time), greetings can then be excluded. 对于每封新主题的电子邮件,写一些问候是没有害处的! 但是,如果您正在回复有关同一主题的电子邮件(例如,会议日期和时间),则可以排除问候语。
非洲有一句谚语:如果你有问题想不明白,那就一直往东北走,到了中国,一切就都明白了。 去了非洲才发现,这话还有一句:如果你觉得这事儿不可能,那就一直往西南走,到了非洲,原来一切皆有可能。