吉布提总统伊斯梅尔·奥马尔·盖勒赫(Ismael Omar Guelleh)访问奈瓦沙的奥卡里亚地热田时,他在那里高度赞扬肯尼亚为推进勘探关键资源而采取的努力。
盖勒赫在Energy CS Charles Keter和两国政府高级官员的陪同下表示,他的国家(吉布提)将从肯尼亚对地热勘探的巨大知识中受益。
虽然他没有在媒体上发表演讲,但KenGen首席执行官瑞贝卡·米亚诺(Rebecca Miano)对此次旅行表示欢迎,并表示将加强肯尼亚与吉布提在可再生能源开发方面的合作。
“这些项目包括Olkaria V 140MW,Olkaria VI 140MW,Olkaria VII 140MW,Olkaria I 6单元 70MW,Olkaria I Rehabilitation 5.7MW以及Olkaria I AU&IV顶级工厂60MW”。
她表示,梅鲁风电一期(Meru Wind Phase I )80MW,地热井50MW和Ngong 项目III 期 10MW的发展计划已进入后期阶段。
Kenya to offer Technical Support to Djibouti in Exploration of Renewable Energy
Kenya will offer technical support to Djibouti in the exploration of renewable energy mainly geothermal in the coming years.
This emerged when visiting Djibouti President Ismael Omar Guelleh toured Olkaria Geothermal fields in Naivasha where he hailed the steps taken by Kenya in advancing exploration of the key resource.
Guelleh who was accompanied by Energy CS Charles Keter and senior government officials from the two nations said his country stood to benefit from the immense knowledge Kenya has on geothermal exploration.
Though he did not address the press, Kengen CEO Rebecca Miano hailed the tour, saying it will enhance collaboration between Kenya and Djibouti in renewable energy development.
Miano noted that developments in Olkaria had been pivotal in elevating Kenya to position nine globally in geothermal power generation.
“Kenya and Djibouti are strategic partners and this visit will enhance our economic cooperation specifically on the energy sector”.
“Our focus is on renewable energy and our investment in geothermal power has already seen power bills reduce significantly from the highs last seen in mid-2014,” she said.
Miano said Djibouti was also pursuing a renewable energy agenda and was endowed with abundant geothermal, solar and wind resources.
She said the country’s geothermal resources have been recognized for years adding that Kenya, through KenGen is willing and able to offer a helping hand in the development of geothermal energy.
Miano said the company was on course in the development of clean and renewable energy which are set for completion by 2020.
“The projects include the Olkaria V 140MW, Olkaria VI 140MW, Olkaria VII 140MW, Olkaria I Unit 6 70MW, Olkaria I Rehabilitation 5.7MW and Olkaria I AU & IV topping plant 60MW”.
She said plans were at an advanced stage for the development of Meru Wind Phase I 80MW, Geothermal Wellheads 50MW and Ngong III project 10MW.