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2014年3月5日(朱巴) – 在由于薪水支付问题导致的冲突后,大约70名平民前往位于南苏丹 (South Sudan)首都朱巴(Juba)的联合国复合基地(UN Mission)寻求避难。
冲突于周三(3月5日)上午9时(当地时间)爆发于离联合国位于朱巴住宅区不远的南苏丹军营。据称,在朱巴大学周围、世界粮食组织(WFP)仓库和位置 Tomping 也有零星的枪声。
联合国(UN)秘书⻓发言人,⻢丁尼瑟基称:在一份纽约(New York)发行的声明中对位 于朱巴(Juba)的 UNMISS 由于一系列的枪战引发的问题表示担忧。
尼瑟基还提及到,在位置上尼罗河州(Upper Nile State)的Nassir地区,手持武器的年轻人仍在战斗,声称为了尊严(而战);在周三的冲突中,有流弹击中了UNMISS的办公室。
70 civilians take refuge at UN base in Juba after Wednesday clashes
March 5, 2014 (JUBA) – Some 70 civilians sought refuge at the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) compound in the capital Juba following the fighting which occurred there over a salary payment.
Clashes erupt on Wednesday 5 March at 9 am (local time), in the barracks of the South Sudanese army which is not far from the UN House in Juba. Sporadic shooting was also reported around the university, the World Food Programme warehouse, and near the UN Mission Compound in Tomping.
UN secretary-general spokesperson, Martin Nesirky, said in a statement issued in New York that the UNMISS is concerned by a number of shooting incidents in Juba.
“The Mission also reports that some 70 additional civilians have sought safety in the UN House site,” Nesirky further said.
He however said the situation is calm in the capital city, indicating that the troops are deployed in Juba and several roads were blocked.
There are currently some 43,000 civilians in the two bases of the UN in Juba, since December of last year.
Nesirky also mentioned that armed young people continue to fire sporadically in Nassir of Upper Nile state and called to respect “the work and sanctity of UN premises” there saying a stray bullet hit an office of the UNMISS on Wednesday.
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