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2014年1月11日 (喀土穆/朱巴)- 苏丹军方发言人在周六宣布他们已经击退试图进入该国领土且拒绝解除武装的南苏丹叛军。
阿尔撒瓦米·卡里德 (Al-Sawarmi Khaled) 告诉官方新闻机构(苏丹通讯社),在周五南苏丹军方重新夺回本提乌(Bentiu)后,一支效忠南苏丹前副总统瑞克·马沙尔(Riek Machar)的步兵营试图进入苏丹领土。
阿尔撒瓦米·卡里德 (Al-Sawarmi Khaled) 在一段简短的声明中表示:针对叛军,空军部长给予了强有力的回应,我们解除了54名人员的武装然后将其作为难民进行收纳,同时对于其余拒绝解除武装的人员进行了驱逐,令其返回南苏丹。
卡里德 (Khaled)进一步表示:我们坚信我们的领土不受任何外国军队的约束,且国际法将是我们处理相同事件的依据。
苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔 (Omer Al-Bashir)于上周一在朱巴(Juba)同南苏丹总统萨尔瓦·基尔 (Salva Kiir)就加强防止叛军越过边境线进行侵袭进行了磋商。
他在周六告诉苏丹论坛(Sudan Tribune):我们已经报道过,一些人已经逃往苏丹黑格里(Higlig)向他们自己人报到,我们也已经告知被苏丹军队解除武装的人员,其他人员拒绝被解除武装。
叛军发言人皮特·瑞克·格伍 驳回了苏丹和南苏丹的军方声明,他声称(叛军)只是部分散落于苏丹领土。
Sudan army says S. Sudanese rebels reached its border
January 11, 2014 (KHARTOUM/JUBA) – The spokesperson for Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) announced on Saturday that they repulsed South Sudanese rebels who attempted to cross into their territory and refused to be disarmed.
A South Sudan army soldier carries his weapon as he patrols a road near Bor Airport, 180 km (108 miles) northwest from capital Juba December 25, 2013 (Reuters/James Akena)
Al-Sawarmi Khaled told the official news agency (SUNA) that an infantry battalion of rebels loyal to South Sudan former vice-president Riek Machar penetrated inside the Sudanese territory not far from Heglig, after Friday’s recapture of Bentiu by the South Sudanese army.
SAF “dealt toughly with this [rebel] force. We disarmed 54 individuals and treated them as refugees while the rest of the force withdrew to South Sudan after it refused to disarm and it was expelled”, he said in a brief statement.
Khaled further said, “We confirm that our territory is now free from any foreign troops, and that the international law is our reference to deal with any similar cases”.
The Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir was in Juba last Monday where he discussed with his South Sudanese counterpart Salva Kiir the deployment of a joint force on the border to prevent rebels from cross-border attacks.
South Sudanese foreign minister also visited Khartoum on Wednesday and handed a letter to Bashir, but no details were released about the military cooperation between the two sides as Khartoum denied reports about an agreement on the joint force.
Phillip Aguer, the spokesperson for South Sudan army (SPLA) confirmed reports from his Sudanese counterpart, saying they are still pursuing remnants of the rebel force.
“We have reports that some of those who fled towards to Sudan have reported themselves to Heglig. And we are told some have been disarmed by the Sudan Armed Forces. Other refused and retreated”, he told Sudan Tribune Saturday.
Aguer said the Sudanese army had reported some of them in Karasana, about 30 kilometres north to Heglig, adding, “They reached there yesterday [Friday] evening”.
The military spokesperson could not, however, say whether the army through the office of the president would consider asking the Sudanese government to extradite the fugitive rebels.
“We do not have official report about the total number of those who have fled but the information has at the moment some of them run toward Sudan”, Aguer said.
“There are reports that 90 oil technicians, 14 injured [rebels] and 30 civilians entered Heglig. Others went to Karasana”, he added.
The rebels spokesperson Peter Riek Gew dismissed statements of the Sudanese and South Sudanese military officials, which claimed they were scattered into Sudan territory.
“We have not crossed into Sudan, but our forces have surrounded Bentiu town where the government troops are in. It’s just matters of time you will hear Bentiu will fall on our hand again”, Gew said on Saturday.
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